This Meanwood Park and the Hollies walk is sponsored by Weetwood Hall Estate
As a mum, I love getting out for walks. In fact, I thank walking for saving my sanity when I had a new, colicky baby. Walking has no rules, it can be as far or as challenging as you want it to be and you can do it anywhere! This walk is in Leeds, a fantastic place to visit without even leaving the city!

Meanwood Park, in North Leeds, is one of my absolute favourite places to visit as a family. It’s not at all what you think of as a park, especially being so close to Leeds centre (but does have a good cafe and playground if that’s your thing). It has little streams and bridges, fabulous woodland and LOTS of opportunities for little explorers to, well, explore! We love this route which is just over 3km and takes you up to the Hollies.
Luckily I’ve found that a lot of new parents share my love for getting out with their babies and children on walks. My Muddy Boots Mummy blog has a range of suggestions of family-friendly Yorkshire walks, and has led to the Muddy Boots Baby Walking Group, who meet weekly to go on walks with our babies! Meanwood Park is a favourite of ours because it is so accessible to families! We’re always on the look out for new friends, so feel free to join in!

Useful links