This is one of our favourite walks, with lots of routes you could take. You enter from Tenter Hill Lane and at the bottom of this lane you turn right and follow the path through the woods, continuing to the side of a farmer’s field.
You cross a small road and then enter Hetchell Woods and follow the lane.

This is a great place for playing hide and seek, capture the flag, having a picnic and playing tig! Kids, dogs and grown-ups love it! We describe it as Teletubby land and it is often covered with purple heather.

As you come over the top of Pompocali you enter the old railway path and go under gorgeous stone arches – it is often very muddy here however!

We looped back round, walking back through Terry Lug Wood by the river into the tall tree forest.

This is a great mixed landscape walk which is perfect for families and dogs and you can go as far as you want to.
Merlin ran about 17 times further than us! Follow him on Instagram for more adventures:
Merlin was walked responsibly throughout this walk in line with the countryside code and specific site recommendations. Merlin supports walking with his two legged friend in a way which takes into account other walkers, wildlife and the natural environment.
Be a responsible dog owner and supervise your canine companion at all times.