The origins of our present-day endeavour date from the time of the greatest of the Victorian Vicars of Leeds, Dr Hook, during whose 22-year incumbency today’s Church of St Peter at Leeds was built, an astonishing building consecrated with great ceremony on 2 September 1841 in the presence of a vast congregation including Florence Nightingale.
Visit the Church for worship – whether for a few minutes of calm beauty at a mid-week Choral Evensong or for the richness of a Sunday Choral Eucharist. Walk around and soak up the atmosphere of a building rich in history and heritage, light a votive candle, listen to the famous organ, enjoy a light lunch in the Refectory.
If you do have not the time for an extended personal visit, but pass the Parish Church on foot, by train, by bus, or in your car, do listen out for the Bells.