Holiday Cottages in Leyburn

If a standard hotel is not your thing, a good options is to check out the holiday cottages available to browse and book in Leyburn, Wensleydales market town. Don’t forget however to view hotel options available in Leyburn if that is what you’re after.

Below you can see the holiday cottages and self catering options available.

Browse Self Catering & Cottage Options in Leyburn

Picture of Barn House

Barn House

Leyburn, DL8 3AN, United Kingdom

Alpine Cottage

Leyburn, DL8 4DD, United Kingdom

6 Riverdale

Leyburn, DL8 3GA, United Kingdom

Host & Stay – Sunshine Cottage

Preston-under-Scar, Leyburn, DL8 4AJ, United Kingdom

5 Chapel Terrace

Hunton, Leyburn, DL8 1PZ, United Kingdom

Theaked Stones

Theaked Stones, Curlew Close, Leyburn, DL8 5PD, United Kingdom


Yoredale, Jenkins Garth, Leyburn, DL8 5SP, United Kingdom

Pony Cube Cottage, Leyburn

3 East Witton Road, Middleham, Leyburn, DL8 4NX, United Kingdom

Poacher’s Cottage

Poacher’s Cottage, Quarry Lane, Leyburn, DL8 5EJ, United Kingdom

10 Old School Close, Leyburn

10 Old School Close, West Witton, Leyburn, DL8 4NF, United Kingdom

West Shaw Cote Cottage

West Shore Cote Cottage, Low Abbotside, Askrigg, Leyburn, DL8 3JH, United Kingdom

How we compiled this list

The properties listed above were either submitted directly to by their owners, agents or an online travel agent with whom is partnered, making our collection perhaps the most comprehensive available anywhere. In addition, our editors at Welcome to Yorkshire are local people, who know the area, and the properties, and we make helpful edits to the listings to point out items of interest, and nearby attractions in each. Open the listings to find out more information.

If you ever have any questions, please contact us, and we’ll endeavor to not only give you an answer, but also to improve our accommodation listings in the website, so that future visitors won’t have the same question. In this way, we are building the best resource about visiting Yorkshire you can find anywhere. We’d love you to visit Leyburn and the rest of Yorkshire, as often as possible!