Shelf, West Yorkshire

Welcome to Shelf, a charming village located in West Yorkshire, England. This quaint locale is steeped in history and offers a unique blend of rural tranquility and easy access to urban amenities. With its picturesque landscapes, historic landmarks, and friendly community, Shelf provides an authentic taste of the English countryside. Whether you’re a history buff, nature lover, or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, Shelf has something to offer every visitor.

Fact Pack – Shelf, West Yorkshire

  1. Shelf is a village in West Yorkshire, England.
  2. It is located between Halifax and Bradford.
  3. The village is part of the Metropolitan Borough of Calderdale.
  4. Shelf was historically a part of the West Riding of Yorkshire.
  5. It has a population of approximately 4,500 people.
  6. The village is known for its beautiful countryside views.
  7. Shelf’s history dates back to the Domesday Book of 1086 where it was referred to as “Scelf”.
  8. It has several listed buildings, including the Shelf Hall and the Church of St. Michael and All Angels.
  9. The village has a number of amenities including a primary school, a post office, and several shops.
  10. Shelf is also home to a number of sports clubs, including a football club and a cricket club.

Shelf, West Yorkshire, on the map

FAQs About Shelf, West Yorkshire

Where is Shelf located?

Shelf is located between Bradford and Halifax in West Yorkshire, England.

What is Shelf, West Yorkshire known for?

Shelf, West Yorkshire is known for its rich history and beautiful countryside. Shibden Hall is close by.

What are the transportation options in Shelf, West Yorkshire?

Shelf, West Yorkshire is accessible by car and public transportation. There are also several walking and cycling routes in and around the village.

Where Next after Shelf, West Yorkshire?

Having visited the charming village of Shelf in West Yorkshire, you might be wondering where to head next. A short drive away is the bustling city of Leeds, known for its vibrant shopping scene and rich industrial heritage. You could also explore the historic town of Halifax, home to the stunning Piece Hall and Eureka! The National Children’s Museum. Don’t miss out on visiting the picturesque town of Hebden Bridge, renowned for its artistic community and independent shops. Further afield in Yorkshire, you could venture to the beautiful coastal town of Whitby, famous for its Gothic Abbey and connection to Dracula, or the stunning Yorkshire Dales National Park, offering breathtaking landscapes and countless walking trails.