Anglo Welsh canal boat holidays

in Silsden

Address: Canal Wharfe, Elliott Street, Silsden, near Keighley, Yorkshire, BD20 0DE, United Kingdom

Phone: 0117 304 1122

Email: [email protected]

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Anglo Welsh offers narrowboat and wide beam canal boat hire from Silsden.

Embarking on a canal boat holiday from Silsden offers the chance to enjoy the stunning scenery of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal. 

Travelling slowly through the countryside at just four-miles-per-hour, you can relax and enjoy a wide variety of landscapes, including rugged hills of the Yorkshire Dales and the woodlands of the Aire Valley. And there are plenty of historic canalside pubs to enjoy along the way.

On a short break, you can cruise west through the Yorkshire countryside to Gargrave, on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales, passing through Skipton along the way.  Or head east to the UNESCO World Heritage model town at Saltaire, passing through the famous Bingley Five Rise Locks, one of the Seven Wonders of the Waterways.

On a week-long canal boat holiday from Silsden you can continue west to Foulridge Tunnel, or continue East to Leeds.

Our narrowboats range in size from boats for five, up to nine people.  And our wide beam boats offer accommodation for up to eight people, with en-suite bedrooms, spacious lounges and even wood burning stoves,

You don’t need a licence to steer a canal boat and it’s easy for first-timers to learn to operate our boats.  As part of all our holiday hire, we provide boat steering and navigation tuition.

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