How To Get From Huddersfield To Bradford – Bus, Train, Bike, Walk, Car

Traveling from Huddersfield to Bradford in Yorkshire offers multiple transportation options, each providing a unique way to experience the scenic journey between these two vibrant cities.

Below you can see the options for the different methods of travel by car, bus, train, bike, and even on foot, providing detailed information on distances and estimated travel times.

Distance and Travel Time Table

Mode of TransportDistance (miles)Average Journey Time
Car17 miles30-40 minutes
Bus18 miles50-70 minutes
Train15 miles20-30 minutes
Bike17 miles90-120 minutes
Walking17 miles5-6 hours

View On The Map By Car / Bus / Uber / Taxi

View On The Map By Train

View On The Map On Foot / Walking

View On The Map By Bike / Ebike

Popular Questions:

Below are common questions we’re asked about this travel option.

What is the cheapest way to travel from Huddersfield to Bradford?

The cheapest way to travel would typically be by bus. Bus tickets are generally less expensive than train tickets, especially if purchased in advance. Look for promotions or discounted fares with bus companies operating between the two cities.

Are there direct train services from Huddersfield to Bradford?

Yes, direct train services are available from Whitby Train Station to York Train Station. The journey typically takes about 1 hour 45 minutes, making it a quick and convenient option.

What time does the last train from Huddersfield to Bradford leave?

The last train departure times can vary, but typically, the last train leaves around 11:30 PM from Huddersfield Station to Bradford Interchange. It’s advisable to check the latest train times on the day of your travel to ensure accuracy.

Where do rail replacement services pick up passengers when trains are not running?

Rail replacement services, including buses and coaches, typically pick up passengers at designated points near the train stations. At Huddersfield, this is usually close to St. George’s Square, and at Bradford, near Bradford Interchange or Bradford Forster Square.

Can I find facilities like free Wi-Fi and ATM machines at Bradford Interchange?

Yes, Bradford Interchange is well-equipped with modern amenities including free Wi-Fi access for passengers and several ATM machines. This station also offers comfortable seating areas and a ticket office for purchasing or collecting train tickets.

Above provides practical travel information. Whether you choose the efficiency of train travel or the scenic bus route, each mode offers a distinct experience for your trip from Huddersfield to Bradford.

Accommodation Options In Huddersfield

Picture of Huddersfield Central Lodge

Huddersfield Central Lodge

11-15 Beast Market, Huddersfield, HD1 1QF, United Kingdom


36 Portland Street, Huddersfield, HD1 5PL, United Kingdom

Alpha Lofts, Huddersfield

Alpha Lofts,236 Lockwood Road, Huddersfield, HD1 3TG, United Kingdom

Townhouse 105

105 Bradford Road, Huddersfield, HD1 6DZ, United Kingdom

Greenhead Central

154 Trinity Street, Huddersfield, HD1 4DT, United Kingdom

BVapartments-queengate 3

33a queensgate, Huddersfield, HD1 2RD, United Kingdom
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Accommodation Options In Bradford

Optimal Apartments

21 North Park Road, Bradford, BD9 4NT, United Kingdom

Great Victoria Hotel

Bridge Street, Bradford, BD1 1JX, United Kingdom

Mercure Bradford, Bankfield Hotel

Bradford Road, Bingley, BD16 1TU, United Kingdom

Malmaison Apartments

38 Peckover Street, Bradford, BD1 5BD, United Kingdom

Oakwood Hall Hotel

Lady Lane, Bingley, BD16 4AW, United Kingdom

The Abbey Lodge Hotel

62 Kirkgate, Bradford, BD18 3EL, United Kingdom
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