Walk: North Cave Wetlands

in North Cave

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An easy walk around the many wet habitats of the North Cave Wetlands.

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North Cave Wetlands, Yorkshire

The Route

  • Start Point: Parking area, North Cave Wetlands, Dryham Lane, Brough HU15 2LY
  • Finish Point: HU15 2LY
  • Distance: 5 Miles

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Walk Description

From the parking area on Dryham Lane, walk away from the junction with Cliffe Road, all the way past two footpaths branching off on the left to the point where the track turns to the left. Follow this around to the left, and past the wetlands on the left. At the corner, turn left to keep the wetlands on your left. Once reaching the hedgerow in front of you, turn right and then walk down the path keeping the hedgerow on the left. As the hedgerow is replaced by a cluster of trees, the path becomes a track around the buildings of Brook Farm.

Follow the access track past Brook Farm and down to the B1230 Newport Road. Turn left and follow the B1230 until you reach a crossroads with Breeks Lane on the left. Cross over the B1230 here and walk down the no through road of Common Lane West. Follow this road, which becomes an unmade track, and then turns left to go alongside the A63 for a short while.

The track is long and fairly straight as it goes to a crossroad of paths. Here, carry straight on, as the track becomes an access road, to eventually reach a corner of Mires Lane and Low Mill Lane. Turn left, and walk on Low Mill Lane up to the old railway bridge. Once underneath, turn right on the public footpath, and follow it diagonally to the left across the fields.

Follow the clear path on the ground to eventually emerge through a sniket to Finkle Street. Turn left and go down Finkle Street to meet the road Westgate. Turn left, cross over Finkle Street, and turn right down Blanshards Lane. At the end of the lane, turn left and cross over the bridge to turn right immediately. Follow the track through the wood, then turn right sharply to walk between the houses, reaching the road Nordham. Turn left onto Nordham and follow this back to where you parked.

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