Visiting the scarecrow trail in Boston Spa

in Boston Spa

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Merlin’s favourite outside the vets on the high street – he’s looking for a lady…..

This annual event is part of Boston Spa’s village festival. Although it was one of the only elements to go ahead this year due to Covid, the trail is still amazing, featuring superheroes and Disney characters executed very well.

There are around 100 scarecrows across Boston Spa, Clifford and Thorp Arch, so it might be best to choose one area per day! Track them down with a map from Doug Yeadon’s or Costcutter in the village.

boston spa scarecrow
Merlin loved Nemo and even managed to topple the jewels with his excitement!

Walking through the village, you can stop for an ice cream sundae at the lovely Hart’s, enjoy a beer outside the Stew or even have a wander down by the river. There was some great live music on the square, as well as a few street food stands for tapas and Indian treats.

scarecrow dog walk
‘I loved a sniff of Olaf although he tickled my nose…!’

You get to discover many hidden corners of the villages and admire all the handiwork, though watch out for a fright or two!

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I barked at this scary lady….frightening!

It was all a bit hot and sticky after a while, so I took shelter in a bush to hide from the sun and the scary scarecrows!

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All in all, this is definitely a great day out! The Boston Spa Festival usually takes place in mid-July.

Related Accommodation

The accommodation below is nearby - and has been updated recently.

Snowdrop Cottage

Snowdrop Cottage, 3 Victoria Place, Clifford, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 6JJ, United Kingdom

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