Beamsley Beacon is situated overlooking the A59 near Bolton Abbey. The walk from Ilkley is across some beautiful moors with impressive views.

The Route
- what3words for start point: ///rebounds.fists.blazing
- Start Point: Myddelton Grange, Langbar Rd, Ilkley LS29 0EB
- Finish Point: Myddelton Grange, Langbar Rd, Ilkley LS29 0EB
- Distance: 9 Miles
GPX Route Map
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1 mile due north from the centre of Ilkley there is some parking. Leave the car, head up the road to a sharp bend. Continue on a farm track for 1 mile to an indistinct bridleway heading due north.
The path crosses the grouse moors (look for the shooting hut) before climbing to Round Hill. Round Hill is nothing special despite being the highest point in the area.
Double back south east and enjoy the views on the 1 mile wide grassy ridge to Beamsley Beacon. The Beacon is one of the many cross country beacons primed for lighting during the Spanish Armada or the potential invasion of Napoleon. The return from the beacon is via some quiet country roads and pretty hamlets.