Walk: Fitzwilliam Country Park Walk

in Fitzwilliam, West Yorkshire

Get a quick fix of the outdoors with this short but sweet lovely walk around the Fitzwilliam Country Park, right off the train!

Image name fitzwilliam country park west yorkshire the 1 image from the post Walk: Fitzwilliam Country Park Walk in Yorkshire.com.

The Route

  • Start / Finish Point: Fitzwilliam Railway Station, Railway Terrace, Fitzwilliam, Pontefract WF9 5DA
  • Distance: 3 Miles

GPX Route Map

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Walk Description

Exit the railway station on the car park side, and veer right along Wentworth Terrace, crossing over the entrance to the car park and enter Fitzwilliam Country Park on the footpath to the left of the bench. At the junction of paths, turn left, and then follow this main path through the trees and then around to the right. Just before the main path bends around to the right again, take the smaller path to the left and then turn right when it joins another path, to walk with some trees on your right hand side. Turn left and then veer left to follow a clear path on the ground which follows the line of the trees, then moves away to the left, and then back to the trees. Carry on after the line of trees ends, to reach Rose Lane. Turn right, and follow Rose Lane to just after a slight double bend, where, at the wide junction of tracks, turn right. This track follows the line of the trees for a while, and then moves to the right inside them. Follow the track to emerge near a pond, where the track turns right to eventually join up with the railway station car park’s access road, where you started.

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