An easy woodland trek following the River Went and under the Wentbridge Flyover which carries four lanes of the A1, just near Pontefract.
The image below shows the Ackworth rail viaduct, just along the River Went from Wentbridge.

The Route
- what3words for start point: ///expanded.crisper.swordfish
- Start Point: Off road along B6474 in Wentbridge, WF8 3JJ
- Finish Point: B6474 in Wentbridge, WF8 3JJ
- Distance: 7 Miles
GPX Route Map
Download file for GPSWalk Description
Please park considerately for local residents.
From where you have parked, head towards the junction with Wentbridge Lane in the middle of the village. Just to the left of the road direction sign is a public footpath sign. Follow the arrow to walk along the path, past the white house on the right. Once past the building, the walk opens out to fields, before a wood springs up on the left.
Ignore the path to the left, just as you skirt around the edge of a wood on your right now. By now, the epic Wentbridge Viaduct, which takes the A1(M) over the River Went, should be in view and earshot.
Walk towards – and under – the viaduct, following the path along the edge of the wood, called Sayle’s Plantation. The path enters the wood, and eventually turns to the right. A fairly straight path carries on through the wood for what seems like forever, until you emerge to just a row of trees on your left. A path branches off to the left here – ignore this as you’ll be coming back that way – and carry straight on into the wood.
In the wood, the path turns to the right, and heads in a south-easterly direction for a long while, before emerging into a much more open series of fields, but still with a lot of trees. The path runs alongside a house, and then turns right along a drive to meet Main Street in the village of Kirk Smeaton. At the road, turn left, and then take the footpath to the right of the Shoulder of Mutton pub.
Follow the path to the left of the church, and then turn left to walk over the River Went, then turn left onto Chapel Lane. Follow the lane until a path turns into the wood on the left. Follow this path through this wood, exiting to some fields and then carrying on into a small wood, and then into open fields, steadily turning left to cross the River Went again on a footbridge. The path in front of you is the one you took on the outward trek – turn right and retrace your steps under the Wentbridge Viaduct, back to Wentbridge village, and where you parked your car.